Women Who Walk Through Time

Do you know what women are doing in science?
What do they enjoy about science?
View the 30-minute educational and outreach film: "Women Who Walk Through Time", designed to help girls and young women gain and maintain interest in Earth Science. This video is appropriate for all young people (~12-18 year olds), but is specifically designed to interest and encourage girls and young women in the earth sciences. The video portrays three women earth scientists who introduce young people to the fascinating field of earth science, demonstrate what they do as earth scientists, and advise young people on how to prepare for a career in science. The video is intended for use by anyone interested in encouraging women in science such as schools, clubs, organizations for girls and young women, and parents.
Video Awards! "Women Who Walk Through Time" won 2 awards:
•1998 Telly Award in the category of high school education, recognizing outstanding non-network and cable commercials, and film and video productions.
•1997 Honorable Mention for video "Women Who Walk Through Time" in category of High School Education at the 1997 Communicator Awards in the category of High School Education.
"Women Who Walk Through Time" was sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF grant HRD96-25566 to P.I.: M. Chan with Co-P.I.s: S. Halgedahl and P. Wilson).